What we can’t do

Adam Walker
2 min readFeb 6, 2023

Have you ever found that you can’t do something simple? Or, more accurately, that you can’t bring yourself to do it consistently? As I look back over my life, I can see simple things that, at one time or another, I couldn’t do.

There were times I worked multiple jobs and couldn’t keep up with my laundry. I would let it pile up, too busy to worry about it. Then once I ran out of essentials (read underwear), I would begrudgingly work through the pile, spending an entire Saturday on it (my only day off at the time).

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The same was true for vacuuming. I know this sounds weird, but there were years of my adult life when I didn’t touch our vacuum because I was too busy, too tired, or both. I couldn’t do it, and because I couldn’t do it, other people, like my wife, had to take care of it.

Even today, I have a mental block toward some things. I find it easy to create marketing content for my company’s social media accounts. But if I’m the one that needs to schedule it to post on social, it won’t get done. I can’t tell you why; it’s a simple task that probably takes 15 minutes, but I won’t do it.

There are just some things we can’t do. Either we aren’t wired for them, or we don’t have time for them, or we are just too exhausted. It’s true for all of us. And this is where the magic is.



Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.