There are dumb questions

Adam Walker
3 min readFeb 17, 2020

I hate hearing someone say, “There are no dumb questions.” It’s not true. Of course there are dumb questions. There are a lot of questions that should never be asked or should be asked as a last resort.

dog raising it’s paw
Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Questions that aren’t thought out are dumb.

A quick google search of “dumb questions to ask” yields some real gems. Among my favorite are:

  • “Sixty seconds and 1 minute aren’t really the same?”
    This question was about a microwave with different second and minute settings.
  • “What is a phobia of chainsaws called?”
    The best answer on the internet was “common sense.”
  • “If evolution is true, then why don’t pigs have wings?”
    The best answer on the internet was, “because evolution doesn’t give you wings, Red Bull does.”
  • “Am I out of shape if a turtle can outrun me?”
    No response needed here.
  • “What happens if I paint my teeth with nail polish?”
    My response, you get poisoned.
  • A personal one related to my having five kids. “You know where kids come from, right?”
    After I have mentally punched that person in the face, I ignore them and keep moving without giving an answer.

I think we can all agree; the questions above are dumb. They were asked without thought. And that is the lesson.



Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.