I’m an extrovert, locked in a house with five kids, and I love it

Adam Walker
2 min readApr 7, 2020
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

If you know me at all, you know I have five (almost six), kids. You know I wear hats and love to be around people. Right now, I’m writing this from my kitchen table, locked in a house with my wife and five kids, and loving it.

Yes, this time is stressful with the virus, stay at home orders, and all that stuff. But, this time is also glorious is so many ways. My oldest kid is a freshman in high school. She will be out of our house in three short years. This intense time we have at home is the most concentrated time I will have with her for the rest of my life. That’s worth repeating. This is the most concentrated time I will ever have with her. Wow.

Once life goes back to normal, I’ll see my teenager for a handful of hours a week again. She will be busy with dance, friends, school, and growing up. But, we have this moment together, and that’s amazing.

I love the time I’m getting with the other kids as well, staying up later to watch Star Trek The Next Generation with my middle school son, reading to my second grader, wrestling with my 4-year-old, and snuggling with the fourth-grader. All of these moments are precious, and when life is busy (a word I hate to use), too rare.

We are going through a tough time right now. It’s hard, sad, and scary. But, this time we have with loved ones is also a gift. I’m choosing to cherish it, and I hope you are as well.



Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.