I’m a dad of 6, I’m not a great person, and I don’t like kids

Adam Walker
3 min readFeb 10, 2020

My wife and I recently announced that we are adopting again. This is our second adoption and adds a sixth child to our family. Our announcement was met with a lot of enthusiasm and encouragement. It was also met with a statement repeated many times over in various ways, “you are such great people!”

Our five children holding a photo of their (soon to be adopted) brother)

The thing is, I don’t consider myself a particularly great person. I try to be a nice guy, and I try to help people. I’ve adopted, started nonprofits, and helped friends move from time to time. But I don’t consider myself better than the people around me. If I’m honest, I’m often selfish, inconsiderate, lack self-discipline, and oh so occasionally a full-on jerk.

I’m just a guy trying to do a little good in the world. I’m not particularly good, and certainly, I am not great.

We aren’t adopting again because we are great people. We are adopting again because there is a 10-year old boy in China with no family, and we know we can be the family he needs. It’s how we are wired and have been that way our whole marriage. If we see a need and know we can do something about it, we do it.

Recently I had coffee with a new friend. I was telling him about my family and our first adoption. He said, “man, you must like kids!” My honest response was, “not really.” I love my kids, but…



Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.