7 Leadership Lessons from the President of Morehouse School of Medicine

Adam Walker
4 min readFeb 21, 2020

When Dr. Rice walks into the room, you know it. She carries herself with authority, dignity, and kindness. As the president of Morehouse School of Medicine, She is the first and only president of a medical school in the United States who is a black woman.

Dr. Rice in the middle, surrounded by the Dragon Army leadership team.

She sat down with our Dragon Army leadership team yesterday to talk about leadership. These are some of the principles she shared with us.


You have to be able to be yourself at work, and other people have to be able to be themselves as well. Authenticity builds trust and the ability to see others for who they truly are as well.

Be authentically curious about the people you lead. This is one of my favorite things she said, and something I haven’t heard a lot. She talked about how in every one-on-one meeting with someone who works for her, she makes a point to learn more about their personal life. She asks about their kids, about the ball game they went to last night, about anything meaningful to that person, helping her to make a better connection, and building an authentic relationship.

Leaders Create Clarity

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Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.