4 Reasons I Love my Long Commute

Adam Walker
3 min readJan 27, 2020
Car in traffic
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

My commute to the office is between 35 minutes and 75 minutes. I commute into Atlanta from the burbs. Atlanta is known for many things, and traffic is one of them. For the morning commute, 7 am to 9 am is slammed, every day, and sometimes on weekends. Who would do that kind of commute willingly? And, who would love it? I would, and here are four reasons why.

Commuting is a great learning time

My wife and I are in the process of adopting from China. Our new son is ten and speaks Mandarin. I spend the first part of my daily commute listening to an audiobook or course to learn Mandarin.

While driving, I cannot give learning 100% of my attention, so it takes a little longer to learn something. But, because my time in the car is so consistent, I find I’m picking up Mandarin more quickly than I expected.

Commuting helps me stay current

After about 25–30 minutes of driving and listening to a Mandarin course, I’m ready for something different. That’s when I switch over to podcasts. I love to listen to news podcasts first. Then, sometimes I’ll switch to a tech podcast to keep up with the industry.

I find that podcasts are great for getting a lot of information quickly. By taking 20 minutes of my commute to listen, I’m typically…



Adam Walker

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.